


・韓国生まれ 한국출신
・2003年以降、日本暮らし 2003년부터 일본에서 생활
・I was born in South Korea, but I have been living in Japan since 2003.


・詳細は「OVERVIEW」 参照

・어렸을때 집근처 등산

・군대에선 8사단 10연대 오뚜기부대에서 거의 산생활
・2012년쯤에 일본 100명산 정복하려는 꿈을 품음
・등산경력의 상세한 내용은 OVERVIEW 참조

・When I was young, I used to climb the small height mountains near my home.

・I have been aiming at climbing the 100 famous mountains of Japan since 2012.
・You can confirm my records on this link.

【やりたいこと/To do list】


・일본 100명산 등정

・Climbing all of the mountain that was designated as 100 famous mountains of Japan.

・Traveling over the world and climbing beautiful mountains.


・일본 등산에 관련된 정보나 그외 문의사항 있으시면 아래 이메일 버튼으로 연락주세요.
・If you have any questions or need some information about the mountains of Japan, please feel free contact me using the e-mail link below.
(I'm struggling to learn natural English. If you want to learn Japanese or Korean, please contact me.)